
How do I make a complaint?
Your complaint can be made through any of our contact channels that can be found here.
Do you have Complaints Code of Practice?
Yes, at Vax our Customer Complaints Code of Practice below sets out our processes for resolving complaints related to the provision of our products and services and our complaints handling process.
What can you expect once you have registered your complaint?
At Vax we will do all we can to provide you with the most suitable response specific to your particular situation and to ensure, where possible, that your complaint is resolved to your satisfaction. If you call us, our advisors will ask you about the nature of your complaint. We will take into account all the points you raise and the details we hold in our records and seek to resolve the problem while you are on the line. If your complaint requires specialist knowledge, we will transfer you to a specialist advisor with the right expertise to resolve it. If we are unable to resolve your complaint while you are on the line, we will inform you of how long it is expected to take to resolve and agree when and how we will keep you updated. If you contact us by letter or by email we will review your complaint fully, taking into account all the points raised in your correspondence and the service details held in our records. We will ensure that your complaint is investigated by the person in the company that is best placed to resolve your complaint. We will normally get back to you by phone, but if this is not possible, we will respond in writing.
How long will it take to resolve a complaint?
We will do all we can to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. If your complaint is of an urgent nature we will prioritise as appropriate and escalate your complaint. We aim to respond to your complaint and agree a resolution within 5 days. Some complaints by their very nature, however, may take longer than others to resolve. If we have been unable to agree the resolution of your complaint within this timeline we will contact you. We will keep you informed of progress in a way that best suits you and at a time that is convenient for you.
What can you do if you are unhappy with our response?
We hope to resolve every complaint promptly and to your satisfaction. But if for any reason you are not fully satisfied with our response, please tell us and let us know where you think further attention is required. We can then review your complaint, and our response, and can escalate the complaint within the company. We will let you know if anything else can be done to resolve your complaint and we will inform you of how long it is expected to take to resolve. We will keep you informed of progress and any changes.